2011.09-2014.06 中南大学, 资源与生物工程学院,矿物加工工程,工学博士
2008.09-2010.12 武汉理工大学,资源与环境工程学院,矿物加工工程,工学硕士
2004.09-2008.06 武汉理工大学,资源与环境工程学院,矿物加工工程,工学学士
2018.12至今 金沙集团1862cc成色金沙集团1862cc成色 副教授
2016.07-2018.12 金沙集团1862cc成色 讲师
2014.07-2016.06 武汉理工大学资源与环境工程学院 助理研究员
l 科研项目:
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No. 51974205,纳米气泡降低还原氧化石墨烯缺陷度的基础研究, 2020.1-2023.12,主持;
[2] 矿物加工科学与技术国家重点实验室开放基金,No.BGRIMM-KJSKL-2021-16,磷石膏源头脱磷技术及脱磷机制研究,2021.1-2022.12.主持;
[6]湖北省技术创新专项重大项目, No.2017ACA187,基于基因选矿的锰镁质低品位磷矿高效分选关键技术研究,2017.1-2019.12,子课题负责人;
l 代表性论文:
[1] Hongqiang Li,Yingxin Chen,HuifangZheng,Peng Huang,Pujia Yang,Qian Chen*,Xiaoqing Weng, Dongsheng He, ShaoxianSong.Effect of geological origin of apatite on reverse flotation separation ofphosphate ores using phosphoric acid as depressant[J]. MineralsEngineering, 2021,172:107182. (SCI,IF:4.765,JCR Q1).
[2] Hongqiang Li,Wen Zhang,QianChen,Peng Huang,Richard M. Kasomo,Ze Zou*,Xiaoqing Weng, DongshengHe,Siyuan Yang,Shaoxian Song.Reverse flotation of collophanite at natural pHusing isooctyl polyoxyethylene ether phosphate as a collector[J]. Physicochem.Probl. Miner. Process,2021,57(4):78-86 (SCI, IF:1. 256,JCR Q2).
[3] Qian Chen,Richard M. Kasomo, HongqiangLi*,Xiangke Jiao, Huifang Zheng,Xiaoqing Weng, Nicholas M. Mutua, ShaoxianSong, Dongsheng He,Huihua Luo.Froth flotation of rutile-An overview[J].Minerals Engineering, 2021,163: 106797. (SCI,IF:3.795,JCR Q1).
[4] Hongqiang Li, Wu Ge,, JunZhang, Richard M. Kasomo, Jiahao Leng, Xiaoqing Weng,Qian Chen, Qian Gao,Shaoxian Song, Linbo Xiao, Chengtao Tian.Control foaming performance ofphosphate rocks used for wet-process of phosphoric acid production byphosphoric acid[J].Hydrometallurgy,2020, 195:105364, (SCI, IF:3.465,JCR Q1)
[5] Richard M. Kasomo,Hongqiang Li*,Huifang Zheng, Qian Chen, Xiaoqing Weng,Akisa D. Mwangi, Emmanuel Kiamb,Shaoxian Song*.Depression of the selective separation of rutile from almandineby Sodium Hexametaphosphate[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical andEngineering Aspects.2020,593:124631. (SCI,IF:3.131,,JCR Q1).
[6] Richard M. Kasomo,Hongqiang Li*,Huifang Zheng, Qian Chen, Xiaoqing Weng,Akisa D. Mwangi, Wu Ge, Shaoxian Song.Selectiveflotation of rutile from almandine using sodium carboxymethyl cellulose(Na-CMC) as a depressant[J]. Minerals Engineering, 2020,157: 106544. (SCI,IF:3.795,,JCRQ1).
[7] Qian Chen, Maomao Tian, Huifang Zheng,Huihua Luo, Hongqiang Li*, Shaoxian Songa,Dongsheng He, Xinhua Jiang.Flotationof rutile from almandine using sodium fluorosilicate as the depressant[J].Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects.2020,599:124918.(SCI,IF:3.131,,JCRQ1).
[8] Hongqiang Li, Huifang Zheng,Qian Chen, Richard M. Kasomo, Jiahao Leng, Xiaoqing Weng, Shaoxian Song , LinboXiao, Chengtao Tian.Flotation separation of rutile from almandine usingoctadecyl amine polyoxyethylene ether as collector[J]. Physicochem. Probl.Miner. Process,2020,56(4):653-664 (SCI, IF:1. 256,JCR Q2)
[9] Richard M. Kasomo, Hongqiang Li*,Qian Chen, Diallo A.Soraya, Minani Leopold, Xiaoqing Weng, Akisa D. Mwangi,Emmanuel Kiamba, Wu Ge, Shaoxian Song.Behavior and mechanism of sodium sulfitedepression of almandine from rutile in flotation system[J]. Powder Technology,2020,374:49-57. (SCI, IF:4.124,JCR Q1)
[10] Qian Chen,Maomao Tian, Richard M. Kasomo,HongqiangLi*, Huifang Zheng,Shaoxian Song,Huihua Luo, Dongsheng He.Depression effectof Al(Ⅲ) andFe(Ⅲ) onrutile flotation using dodecylaminepolyxyethylene ether as collector[J].Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and EngineeringAspects.2020,603:125269. (SCI,IF:3.131,,JCRQ1).
[11] Qian Chen, Bo Xu, Yangge Zhu, HongqiangLi*, Peng Chen, Yunliang Zhao, Hongchao Li,Shaoxian Song.Detrimental effects ofslimes on the flotation of rutile from eclogite ore[J].Results in Physics,2018, 10 :250–255.(SCI,IF:2.147,JCR Q1).
[12] Peng Chen, Hongqiang Li*, Hao Yi, Feifei Jia, Lang Yang,Shaoxian Song.Removal of graphene oxide from waterby floc-flotation[J].Separationand Purification Technology,2018,202:27-33. (SCI, IF:3.927, JCR Q1)
[13] Peng Chen, Hongqiang Li,*, ShaoxianSong, Xiaoqing Weng, Dongsheng He,Yunliang Zhao.Adsorption of dodecylamine hydrochlorideon graphene oxide in water [J]. Results in Physics 7 (2017) 2281–2288 (SCI, IF:2.147,JCRQ1)
[14] XiaoqingWeng,HongqiangLi*,ShaoxianSong, YanyanLiu.Reducingthe entrainment of gangue fines in low grade microcrystalline graphite oreflotation using multi-stage grinding-flotation process[J].Minerals,2017,7(3):38. (SCI, IF:2.06,JCR Q2)
[15] Hongqiang Li,Shunxin Mu,Xiaoqing Weng, Yunliang Zhao,Shaoxian Song*. Rutile Flotation with Pb2+Ions as Activator: Adsorption of Pb2+ at Rutile/Water Interface[J].Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects.2016,506:431-437.(SCI,IF:2.75,JCRQ1). 60次
[16] Peng, W., Li, H.*, Liu, Y., Song,S.Characterisationof reduced graphene oxides prepared from natural flaky, lump and amorphousgraphites[J]. 4.019, 2016, 78: 119-127. (SCI, IF:2.288)
[17] H. Li, L. Ou*,Q.Feng,S.Yang, Z.Chang. The recovery mechanisms of sericite in microcrystallinegraphite flotation[J]. Physicochem. Probl. Miner. Process. 2015, 51(2), 386-399(SCI, IF:0.926,JCR Q2)
[18] Wei Ge, Hongqiang Li*,Yanzeng Ren, Feiyu Zhao and Shaoxian Song. Flocculation of Pyrite Fines inAqueous Suspensions with Corn Starch to Eliminate Mechanical Entrainment inFlotation[J]. Minerals,2015, 5, 654-664. (SCI, IF:1.47,JCR Q2)
[19] Hongqiang Li, Qiming Feng*,Siyuan Yang, Leming Ou, Ying Lu. The entrainment behaviour of sericite inmicrocrystalline graphite flotation[J]. International Journal of MineralProcessing,2014, 127:1-9. (SCI, IF:1.31,JCR Q1)
[20] Li Hongqiang, Feng Qiming*, OuLeming, Long Sisi, Cui Mengmeng,Weng Xiaoqing. Study on washability ofmicrocrystal graphite using float–sink tests[J]. International Journal ofMining Science and Technology,2013, 23:855-861. (SCI,1.416)
[21] Hongqiang Li,QimingFeng*,Leming Ou,Yiping Lu,Guofan Zhang. Reducing entrainment of sericite byselective flocculation in microcrystalline graphite flotation[C]. XXVⅡ InternationalMineral Processing Congress,Santiago,Chile, 2014(c07):103-114. (EI)
[22] 李洪强,冯其明,欧乐明,周伟光,曾培. 利用聚合氯化铝降低隐晶质石墨浮选过程中绢云母脉石的夹带[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版),2015,46(11):3975-3982.(EI)
[26]李洪强,宋少先, 曾培,冯其明. 充气量与细粒脉石泡沫夹带的关系研究[J].金属矿山,2016(3):67-71.
l 国家发明专利:
[1]CN201210581202.0 一种低品位隐晶质石墨选矿提纯方法.(授权)
[2]CN201010599614.8 一种胶磷矿浮选捕收剂及其应用.(授权)
[3]CN201010128674.1 一种高磷鲕状赤铁矿反浮选降磷的组合捕收剂.(授权)
[5]CN2016102090181 一种亲水煤泥浮选的方法(授权)
[6]CN201710519567.3 一种聚合氯化铝改性氧化石墨烯吸附剂的制备及其应用方法 .(授权)
l 获奖情况
[1] 石榴子石尾矿浮选回收金红石新药剂及作用机理研究, 非金属矿科学技术奖基础研究类二等奖(序1),2021年
[2] 中低品位胶磷矿高效利用基础研究,绿色矿山科学技术奖基础研究一等奖(序6),2020年
[4]磷石膏资源化综合利用关键技术研发与产业化, 湖北省科技进步二等奖(序4),2019年
l 著作