· 2011.09-2019.01 中南大学,资源加工与生物工程学院,矿业工程,工学博士
· 2017.07-2018.01 University of Alberta,化学工程与材料学院,助理研究员
· 2014.09-2016.09 University of Alberta,化学工程与材料学院,联合培养博士
· 2007.09-2011.06 中南大学,资源加工与生物工程学院,矿物加工工程,工学学士
2019.08 至今 金沙集团1862cc成色,金沙集团1862cc成色/金沙集团1862cc成色,讲师
[2]国家自然科学基金面上项目,No. 51174230,基于直接还原法的高铁铝土矿铁铝分离的基础研究,参加
1. Mingxia Liu,Hao Li, Tao Jiang, Qi Liu. Flotation of coarse and fine pyrochlore using octylhydroxamic acid and sodium oleate. Minerals Engineering, 2019, 132:191-201.
2. MingxiaLiu,Changgen Wang, Jun Luo, Mingjun Rao, Guanghui Li, Tao Jiang. Sodiumsalts assisted separation and enrichment of valuable components from LateriticIron Ore. JOM, 2019. 71(9): 3181-3189
3. Mingxia Liu,Tao Jiang, Qi Liu. Fine mineral flotation in relation to collector-mineralaffinity. IMPC 2018-29th International Mineral Processing Congress, 2019,2299-2310.
4. Guanghui Li, MingxiaLiu, Mingjun Rao, Tao Jiang, Jinqiang Zhuang, Yuanbo Zhang. Stepwise extraction of valuablecomponents from red mud based on reductive roasting with sodium salts.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 280:774-780.
5. Hao Li, MingxiaLiu, Qi Liu. The effect of non-polar oil on fine hematite flocculation andflotation using sodium oleate or hydroxamic acids as a collector. MineralsEngineering, 2018, 119:105-115.
6. Hao Li, MingxiaLiu, Qi Liu. Oil assisted flotation of fine hematite using sodium oleate orhydroxamic acids as a collector. Physicochemical problems in mineralprocessing. 2018; 54(4):1130-1145.
7. Hao Li, MingxiaLiu, Qi Liu. The effect of non-polar oil onbatch flotation of fine hematite and quartz using sodium oleate or hydroxamicacid as collectors, 56th annual conference of metallurgists hostingworld gold and nickel cobalt, Vancouver, Canada.
8. Hongbiao Tao, SubiaoLiu, Mingxia Liu, Phillip Choi, Qi Liu, Zhenghe Xu*. Revelation of theNature of Ligand−PbS Bond and Its Implication on Chemical Functionalization ofPbS. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123(37): 22981-22988.
9. Jun Luo, MingjunRao, Mingxia Liu, Guanghui Li, Tao Jiang. Extractionof Alumina from Coal‐Derived Pyrite Flotation Tailing by Pre‐Desilication—BayerProcess, Light Metals, 2014. John Wiley& Sons. Inc. 2014:125-130.
10 Guanghui Li, JinghuaZeng, Jun Luo, Mingxia Liu, Tao Jiang. Thermal transformation ofpyrophyllite and alkali dissolution behavior of silicon. Applied Clay Science,2014, 99:282-288.
11Bona Deng, Guanghui Li, Jun Luo, Qing Ye, Mingxia Liu, Mingjun Rao, ZhiweiPeng, Tao Jiang. Selective Extraction of Rare EarthElements Over TiO2 From Bauxite Residues After Removal of Their Fe-, Si-, andAl-Bearing Constituents. JOM. 2018,70:2869-2876.
12 Bona Deng, Guanghui Li, Jun Luo, Qing Ye, MingxiaLiu, Zhiwei Peng, Tao Jiang. Enrichment of Sc2O3 andTiO2 from bauxite ore residues.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 331:71-80.